Treatment Fees
(Vascular) Erectile Dysfunction, Peyronies Disease
Initial consultation - £95
Course of 6 treatments (ideally 2 sessions per week), Focused Shockwave Therapy - £1500
What to Expect
If you have been referred by your specialist (e.g. your urologist) you will not need an initial consultation. However, If it is the first time you are looking into shockwave therapy, the initial appointment will incorporate discussing your suitability for (focused) shockwave and explaining the treatment in more detail. If is important to note shockwave will only be expected to work for your erectile dysfunction (ED) if you have a problem with blood flow (including associated with diabetes or arterial disease) and so long as you do not have another cause for your ED such as nerve damage, phycologicalor hormonal problems (this will all be explained during your initial consultation and you will sign posted where and how to seek alternative help if appropriate).
Thereafter if your proceed, each shockwave treatment session will take approximately 20 minutes. Throughout the procedure, gentle, low-level (piezoelectric) shockwaves are applied to specific areas around the penis (shaft, base and perineum - the region between the anus and the scrotum) using a handheld shockwave device.
These treatments are administered by a highly trained healthcare specialist. The therapist will determine the number of repetitions based on the individual's condition and symptoms.
The sessions are recurrent once or twice a week, extending over a three to six week period. Notably, there is no downtime or recovery period following the treatment.
Shockwave Therapy For Erectile Dysfunction
(Vascular Impotence)
In North East London / Essex
Vital Wave is a leading provider of shockwave therapy specialising in providing highly effective treatment for erectile dysfunction. Our state of the art focused shockwave therapy is many times more powerful than other systems (such as radial shock wave) yet due to the piezoelectric generation of shockwaves is far more comfortable to receive.
Focused shock wave for erectile dysfunction has a wealth of scientific research behind and has recently been approved by the European Urology Association.
Shockwave helps dissolve plague build up in arteries and promote new blood vessel formation thereby reducing or eliminating the need for pills and pumps. Clinical research shows shockwave therapy for erectile dysfunction is successful in 75%+ of cases. Our team of experienced and highly skilled professionals are dedicated to helping our patients achieve optimal health and wellness.
How Each Treatment Session Operates to Ensure Privacy and Discretion:
Maintaining the utmost discretion and privacy when attending an ED session is our highest priority. Our clinic sessions take place within in a busy Osteopathy / Physiotherapy clinic providing shockwave therapy for a diverse range of conditions, most often conditions related to sporting injuries, and various muscles and joint problems. Your purpose for visiting remains confidential and would be unknown to all visitors to the clinic. When booking, you'll be scheduled for a "Shockwave Session", and only you, the therapist and receptionist will be privy to the reason for your attendance.